Daily Archives: 15 March 2011

A Wisconsin Woman Scorned

Wisconsin State Sen. Randy Hopper Isn’t Living in District, Complaint Alleges

Don’t you just hate it when your almost-ex wife joins the recall effort against you? Alysia Hopper let everyone know that he doesn’t live with her anymore. This is important because he’s not living in the district he represents. He is now in Madison with his mistress, who is rumored to be 25-year-old Valerie Cass, a campaign consultant.

I’m sure Alysia Hopper wants to castrate her almost-ex husband. You know, for trading her in for a newer model and all. Well, if you can’t do it literally, financially and politically are your next best bets.

Tea Party is Making Boehner CRazy

Tea Party, Some Republicans Unhappy with Short-term Spending Vote

Looks like Boehner is finding out that the big gavel job wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be. The short-term spending vote passed today to keep the government running for 3 weeks. 54 legislators voted NO in united protest against the Continuing Resolution (CR).

Boehner said these short-term spending measures already succeeded in cutting $10B. “It’s a small down payment on our commitment to the American people that we have real fiscal responsibility,” he said.

That didn’t placate the Tea Party at all.

Mike Pence a representative from Indiana said, “Things don’t change in Washington until they have to. It’s time to pick a fight.”

Judson Phillips, the grand poobah of the Tea Party Nation wrote, “The next continuing resolution is where the Tea Party movement needs to make its stand. Either we see hundreds of billions in cuts or we shut the government down. It has come to that.”

Oh boy. Today’s passage just bought you 3 weeks, Speaker Boehner. Chamomile Tea is really good for soothing nerves. Just don’t drink it if any one of the 54 offers it to you.

Healing Energy and Prayers for Japan 2011

I found this on YouTube. It’s more New Age. I loved it because the images are beautiful. We’ve all seen the devastation. You can turn on the news right now and see how bad it is. Instead, maybe visualizing Japan as whole and healed will help.

I pray that God protects and heals them. May the worst be over soon so they can start rebuilding.

Vodpod videos no longer available.