Daily Archives: 12 March 2011

Dana Loesch…Who?

Before watching Real Time with Bill Maher tonight, I had no idea who this Conservative “rising star” was. So I did a little digging. Here she was on the Overtime segment in October 2010:

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Dana Loesch, posted with vodpod

After watching that, I’m completely intimidated by her intellectual prowess (couldn’t even type that with straight face). She is a new CNN political “analyst,” radio talk show host, and Tea Party leader. She’s beautiful, young, (31) has this ballsy, goth vibe, and a Bible verse tattoo on her wrist: Ephesians 6:12-14

Watching her reminded me of something I’ve read a lot on political forums, the Yahoo! Comment Section, and blogs. It always pisses me off.

“Ugly, liberal women are jealous of attractive, smart Conservative women”

  • Why do people think liberal women are so ugly?
  • Smart…OK, aside from Condi Rice, Google:
  • 1. Palin, Couric interview
    2. O’Donnell debate
    3. Bachmann gaffes

They’re definitely attractive women, but they don’t seem like the Brightest Bulbs on Broadway™ (doninmass).

So when you have this match-up:

Dana Loesch, college dropout vs. Rachel Maddow, Rhodes Scholar

There’s no question who I’m jealous of. Hint: It ain’t the Conservative Christian rising star with the potty mouth.