Daily Archives: 23 February 2011

The Daily Show: Mother F#@kers

Sometimes, you just have to laugh. It’s a lot healthier than being pissy all the time. I just said that to my mirror. 😉

This clip also provides another example of Michelle Bachmann’s insanity (like we needed another one). Enjoy! 🙂

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Mother F#@kers, posted with vodpod

The Daily Show: Crisis in Dairy Land: Revenge of the Curds

Funny clip time! This one just cracked me up. I love the Daily Show, and I’ll be forever kicking myself for not going to the Rally to Restore Sanity. Anyway, enjoy. 🙂

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Holy Prank Calls, Batman!

Buffalo Beast played this prank call they named Koch Whore. Someone pretending to be David Koch called Governor Scott Walker, got through. Um, listen for yourself. If you can’t listen to this, Buffalo Beast’s site has the text:

Buffalo Beast: Koch Whore

Their site has been off and on all day after this. WisPolitics also has the text:

WisPolitics: Buffalo Beast “Koch Whore” Text

It’s a Good Day to be Gay

Government Drops Defense of Anti-gay Marriage Law

Well, it’s about time. I am glad that Obama is honest enough to admit that he wrestles with this issue. But I’m also glad to see that they’re starting to realize that Equal Protection under the Law applies to gay people too. So good for the administration for evolving with this issue. Remember defense is different than enforcement. They will still enforce the Defense of Marriage Act as they should. They will continue to do so until the Supreme Court rules one way or the other.

Of course, I had to read the Yahoo! Comments Section because I’m masochistic that way. Of course.

No huge surprise there. They are talking about the “homosexual agenda,” how Obama should be impeached (seriously?), and the decline of morality. And let’s not forget the people who are against it, but post graphic descriptions of the acts – like we don’t already know. For those who post TMI about it, keep this in mind. Whether it’s true or not, when you post like that, it looks like you’re struggling with your own sexuality.

Honestly, I don’t give a flying Fig Newton if you’re gay, straight, bi, polyamorous, whatever. It’s none of my business. The fact that you want to get married will not affect my life in any way. If people think that two chicks getting married affects their marriage, they better bring that couple to marital counseling too. One of my coworkers married her partner in the short window that it was legal here in California. We had a little bridal shower here at work, and they got great gifts. Lucky! Hahaha. More power to them. I hope they stay married a long time.

So go gay people!!

This is an old, but still cute SNL comment from Tina Fey:

“The Massachusetts court decision to allow gay marriages this week may prove to be a divisive issue in the upcoming presidential election. President Bush is likely torn because he has to protect what he sees as a sacred institution and yet he knows gay marriage would boost the economy because you know those gay guys would go all out. We’re talking about designer wedding cakes, $20,000 sleeveless tuxedos, giant naked man ice sculptures that pee mojitos. They’d hire Pattie La Belle as the band, give out African parrots as party favors. It’d be ridiculous. Remember, whatever your political beliefs, a vote to allow gay marriage is a vote for a fabulous economy.”