Daily Archives: 16 January 2012

Jon Huntsman: And Then There Were Five

Huntsman to Quit Republican Presidential Race

It was a valiant effort, I guess. He was way too moderate and timid to have a chance in the eyes of this new GOP.

A poll last week showed Huntsman at only 4 percent in South Carolina, behind even satirical talk-show host Stephen Colbert.

Ouch. That had to hurt. I don’t know about him, but I think that would be my cue to exit.

I’m glad he is exiting the race graciously and supporting the one who will get the nomination. That is very classy.

As a far the five remaining, there’s a lot at stake here:

The winner of South Carolina’s primary has gone on to capture the Republican nomination in every election since 1980.

I had no idea. This will be brutal then. DC of Pass the Doucheys is from South Carolina. I’m a tad jealous. It’s like having a front row seat at a prize fight. You get all the action up close. And you might get some blood on you. Kinda gross, but you can really say that you were there.

Let the mud-slinging really begin.