Tag Archives: Jan Brewer Wagging Finger Obama

Tsk Tsk Governor Brewer

Man, did this picture go viral. Seriously though. Wagging your finger at the President of the United States? Real classy.

I would think that being older, she’d understand basic respect that comes with the office. After all, she is a governor. She could have asked him to her office, and they could have gone at it. Privately. But on the tarmac with all the cameras? Not cool. Since she obviously hasn’t learned how a Governor should greet and speak with the President on the tarmac, I offer her a picture tutorial:

Smile and shake his hand as he steps down from Air Force One:

Maybe give him a gift:

Making him laugh is always good:

See? All Republican governors. All earning As for showing class, but more importantly, due respect to the Commander in Chief.

Take a lesson, Governor Brewer.