Daily Archives: 26 October 2011

Herman Cain Has His Very Own Marlboro Man!

I guess that’s what you get someone who has everything for Christmas.

His strange ad has been all over:

Herman Cain Smoking Ad
– Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

The fact that his campaign manager Mark Block is smoking doesn’t faze me. It was the placement. The sequence seems off too:

1. Talk up Cain as the best thing since the pizza wheel.
2. Take a drag.
3. Cue chick singing “I Am America.”
4. Enter Cain smiling the “vote for me, I’m presidential” smile.

It didn’t really make sense to me. I could understand it if Block and some constituents were sitting around, smoking, and chatting about the candidates. Then, Block pushes how wonderful Pizza Man is.

Anyway, the explanation for the ad was equally strange:

“There was no subliminal message,” Block said. “In fact, I personally would encourage people not to smoke. It’s just that I’m a smoker. A lot of the people on the staff said ‘Just let Block be Block.’ That’s what it was all about.”

Hmm. The only message I got is to make sure you look past the smoke and see exactly what it is he stands for:

When the smoke finally clears, it’s obvious that his bizarre ad is the least disturbing.